Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am Hooked

3March 2008 – Wow! This is getting to be dangerous because I found myself becoming addicted to building the website. Moi? Being addicted? This is hard to believe because I have always considered myself as a techno-idiot. I once said that to Dr. Edwin in my class. But he seemed to have more confidence in me than I had. I am constantly searching for an excuse to go online and work on my e-portfolio. I found out how to do links and also how to add music. I added different music for each page. I was so excited that I sent sms’s to a few friends about my new found talent. They were impressed and started to consult me how to do it. I might be able to help them during our professional development retreat this coming weekend. Wow, I am really looking forward to doing it.

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